Applying for a Grant
Read our Grant Policies and Guidelines and complete a Grant Application. Non-profits and not-for-profits without a charitable registration number must attach a signed Partnership Agreement form. Intakes will be in February and October annually. Application forms can be found on the ‘forms’ page. Please check back regularly for exact deadline dates.
Our Granting Mandate
Our Vision: Preserving and enhancing the quality of life in the Swan Valley.
Our Mission: To raise, invest and grant through community leadership, education and effective partnerships thereby enhancing quality of life for our community.
“Community”: Encompasses the Municipality of Swan Valley West, the Municipality of Minitonas-Bowsman and the Rural Municipality of Mountain as well as any towns within these Municipalities.
Grant Committee
Our grant committee is comprised of a group of people from all walks of life who are committed to the well being of the community. To see a listing of grants given in the past, click here.
Grant Forms – refer to forms section of this website for forms