Youth in Philanthropy

Youth in Philanthropy (YIP) is a philanthropic program for high school students and is an international movement affiliated with community foundations. Students solicit applications, determine eligibility and recommend funding to community charities.

Our Youth in Philanthropy Advisory Committee is comprised of a group of students from the Swan Valley Regional Secondary School, under the supervision of Teacher Carol Larson, with broad interests in philanthropy, the community and it’s future.

On behalf of the Community Foundation of Swan Valley Inc., we would like to express our gratitude and sincere appreciation to the Thomas Sill Foundation, the Swan Valley School Division and the Teachers and Students of the Swan Valley Regional Secondary School on the establishment of a Youth in Philanthropy Advisory group. Support and Partnerships serve as a shining example of what the Foundation and Philanthropy movement in Manitoba and Canada may achieve.

Contact the SVRSS for more information. To see a listing of grants given in the past, click here.